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Help us make it right* New York Probate Lawyers Probate...
Business Bankruptcy (General)
Personal Bankruptcy (General)
Personal Bankruptcy (Chapter 13)
Personal Bankruptcy (Chapter 7)
Probate Administration
Contested Wills
Business Bankruptcy (Chapter 12)
Estate & Probate Law (Incl. Wills)
Business Bankruptcy (Chapter 7)
Business Bankruptcy (Chapter 11)
Law Offices of Jeffrey Weinstein
Living Wills
Attorneys & Legal Services
20 Years of experience in Probate, Real Estate, & Bankruptcy. Member of New York, New Jersey, & Pennsylvania Bars.
Weinstein is extremely rude and narcissistic. He only values his time and NEVER considers anyone else's schedule. He truly moves to the beat of his own drum. I would never recommend this obnoxious person to anyone.
Having a problem getting my brother and sister birth certificate. For a legal matter in puerto rico. I got in touch with jeff weinstin. He told me to send him $200 and $25 for each certificate. And in three days i will have them or i will get my money back in full. He has not provided the service.//// he rob me for my money ////.
This is in reference to your complaint against jeffrey weinstein. Your complaint was assigned id 8716184.
The firm
I contacted the offices of Jeffrey Weinstein in June of 2010. I gave him the requested documents. I met with him once and paid him 1,500 to start bankruptcy proceedings. As far as I could tell he just pulled something off the internet and that was the only work he did. Over the course of the next year he did not respond to email, faxes or phone calls. Eventually I asked for my money back and...
Jeffrey L. Weinstein is an experienced attorney practicing estate planning, real estate law, and bankruptcy law. He has represented hundreds of clients in bankruptcy cases as well as clients who need help preparing a full estate plan or drafting a will or trust. Call us today for a free consultation.
20 Years of experience in Probate, Real Estate, & Bankruptcy. Member of New York, New Jersey, & Pennsylvania Bars.
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