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Help us make it rightIndus Stone, LLC. is a granite wholsesaling business who imports a wide variety of exoctic, unique and beautiful natural stone products from all corners of the world, such as Italy, Brazil, India, and Turkey. Our warehouse is open 6 days a week to homeowners, fabricators, interior decorators, home builders and the general public for viewing and selection of stones. Customers can view kitchen,...
They have very friendly service, and are family operated, which was nice. They have a really nice selection of different styles/colors to pick from as well.
Natural Stone
Hub City
Pinnacle Counter Top
Superior Granite
Counter Top
Indus Stone
Titan Marble
Supplier of Natural Stone
Wholesale, Titan Marble, Tile, Superior Granite, Stone, Slab, Remodeling, Pinnacle Counter Top, Natural Stone, Natural, Marble, Lubbock, Kitchen, Indus Stone, IMC, Hub City, Granite, Counter Top, Onyx
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