Status: Closed
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Help us make it rightIntermountain Farmers Assn is located at the address 3176 W Martin Ave in Las Vegas, Nevada 89118. They can be contacted via phone at (702) 837-1755 for pricing, hours and directions.
Intermountain Farmers Assn has an annual sales volume of 2M – 4,999,999. .For more information contact Robert Hughes, Manager or go to
For maps and directions to Intermountain Farmers Assn view...
Ifa Country Store is located at the address 3176 W Martin Ave in Las Vegas, Nevada 89118. They can be contacted via phone at (702) 837-1755 for pricing, hours and directions.
Ifa Country Store has an annual sales volume of 100M+. .For more information contact Robert Hughes, Manager
For maps and directions to Ifa Country Store view the map to the right. For reviews of Ifa Country Store see below.
I regularly purchase Straw Bales from IFA, and other items on occasion. The cashiers are efficient, and the yard men (loaders) are efficient, courteous, and respectful.
Awesome and helpful store ! Thank you for all the years of taking care of my horses!
Great store and staff. When we we building our stables Jordan was fantastic. We ordered and had delivered two truck loads of panels and gates. Everything went great and we have been back for all of our equine needs. Thank you to Jordan and his excellent staff, we are customers for life!
hmmmmm. I'm scratching my head and sneering over the 2 negative reviews. I have had nothing but positive experiences here. This store is IT for Western tack and all things equine. Great selection of apparel as well. Staff and management have always answered my questions with enthusiasm and a smile. …
Thank you for helping Street Dogz feed our homeless and low-income income seniors and veteran's dogs and cats!!
Additional information is available at or by contacting Robert Hughes at (702) 837-1755.
Whol Farm Supplies Ret Misc Merchandise
Pet Products, Science Diet, Absorbine
I F A Country Store is located at 3176 W Martin Ave, Las Vegas, NV. This business specializes in Hardware & Tools, Feed Dealers, Shopping Centers and Pet Supplies.
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