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Help us make it rightH&R Block Inc. is the world's preeminent tax services provider, having served more than 400 million clients since 1955. H&R Block provides income tax return preparation and related services and products via a nationwide network of approximately 13,000 company-owned and franchised offices and through TaxCut online and software solutions. H&R Block is the only tax company that offers you, our customer, in-person services, TaxCut software and online solutions.
We look at your life through tax - and find ways to help. H&R Block is a global consumer tax services provider that prepares one in every seven U.S. tax returns. H&R Block is global leader in tax preparation services - we've prepared more than 700 million tax returns through retail locations and at-home, digital solutions since 1955. And with approximately 12,000 tax offices in all 50 states,...
H & R Block is the largest consumer tax services company in the U.S. In 2006 we served 19.4 million customers at more than 12,165 retail offices nationwide as well as with our customized digital tax solutions. H&R Block is the only tax company that offers you, our customer, in-person services, TaxCut software and online solutions.
In Short
Known for its green block logo, this Kansas City, Mo.-based company started helping customers complete their annual income tax forms in 1955 the same year the IRS stopped doing...
In ShortKnown for its green block logo, this Kansas City, Mo.-based company started helping customers complete their annual income tax forms in 1955 the same year the IRS stopped doing it for free. Founding brothers Henry and Richard Bloch quickly franchised their idea and, in 2000, the financial centers' repertoire began to include year-round services, such as mortgage and brokerage services, annuities, mutual funds and IRAs and eforms
We look at your life through tax - and find ways to help. H&R; Block is a global consumer tax services provider that prepares one in every seven U.S. tax returns. H&R; Block is global leader in tax preparation services - we've prepared more than 700 million tax returns through retail locations and at-home, digital solutions since 1955. And with approximately 12,000 tax offices in all 50 states,...
Find a Professional Tax Preparer at H&R Block, the brand clients trust for income tax preparation. More than 50 years of tax help and expertise is just around the corner.
Amaze Yourself
Curves Fitness Centers Offer Women A Place To Exercise And Maintain Weight. 30 Minutes Of Cardio And Strength Training. Only One Place Can Give You The Strength Of 4 Million Women.
The downloadable TaxCut software lets users file their state and federal taxes at home.
H&R Block provides information and savings plans for several investment projects, such as college education plans and small business advice.
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