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History Center

302 E Berry St Fort Wayne IN 46802
(260) 426-2882
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What the community has to say about History Center

Information about this business (5)

The Historical Center was founded in the early 1920s, with a minimal collection of historical items. Till date it has a stocked a collection of over 20,000 items that put light on the defining moments in Fort Wayne's historical past. The aim is to create an awareness of the history and heritage of the city. The Center over the years, has played host to special events and also hold lectures and...

The home of the collection of the Allen County-Fort Wayne Historical Society. We also own the Chief Richardville House at 5705 Bluffton Road and the Barr Street Market, immediately behind the museum.

Housed in the 1893 City Hall building, the History Center is home to the Allen County-Fort Wayne Historical Society and Museum. From Little Turtle to Anthony Wayne to inventions that originated in this area, 22,000 historic photographs, records, artifacts available for study. Museum shop. Admission: Adults $5, Seniors and Students $3, Children 5 and under Free. Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat...

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A center of history

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This restored building is home to a lot of things showing the past of Fort Wayne and Allen County. To really take in what the History Center has to offer, you may want to plan spending a couple of hours there. It is three floors of different displays telling the history of the city, with the first and second floors...

A worthwhile 90 minutes

Average Rating

I had no idea Ft. Wayne could claim so many industrial innovations. including tellevision, Webcor recorders, music industry mixing, plus their railroading history. About 1 hour to 90 minutes.

Loved the old Jail in the Basement

Average Rating

Nice little history center. I really liked seeing the old jail in the Basement. Not very big, but it is the actual jail that was used into the 1970's. The building was the old City Hall, great building to see. This was my first visit to Fort Wayne. I was only in Fort Wayne for the weekend and this center...

Dont miss the jail

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The jail in the basement is a must see. Liked the exhibits that showed items made in Indiana. I was curious about what was in the beautiful building. Glad I checked it out.

Really interesting

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The history center is fascinating and well done. I just wish we had been given a pamphlet/short summary description to correspond with the exhibits as we wish to learn more. Perhaps the receptionist could have explained more Or offered any advice as to how to traverse the museum. It was a delight and well worth the $5 to see. Free...

Business description (5)

Since 2011, The History Center has been providing Banquet Hall Facilities from Fort Wayne.

To serve present and future generations by collecting, preserving, and sharing historic artifacts, documents, and images that describe the people, places, and events that define Fort Wayne and Allen County history.

Located in the historic building that was previously the Fort Wayne City Hall, the History Center attempts to preserve the history of the Fort Wayne and Allen County areas. Through interactive learning stations visitors can gain a perspective of the area's rich history.

The Historical Center was founded in the early 1920s, with a minimal collection of historical items. Till date it has a stocked a collection of over 20,000 items that put light on the defining moments in Fort Wayne's historical past. The aim is to create an awareness of the history and heritage of the city. The Center over the years, has played host to special events and also hold lectures and...

The History Center is an architectural landmark. Housed in the former city hall and jail, the museum provides three floors of Fort Wayne and Allen County history with interactive and multi-sensory learning stations.

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