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Help us make it rightHad a successful spinal fusion 2 yrs ago and have only had a very good experience in the care the doctor and his staff have given me .
I would most certainly recommend Dr. Pacheco, his staff is very attentive and respectful. He is also very caring and explains in detail.
The ream supporting Dr Pacheco-Serrant made exceptional efforts to assist me during a very difficult time. This was very appreciated. I am a new patient and now have greater peace of mind after two appointments with Dr Pacheco-Serrant. A caring team that gets things done that help.
Dr. Pacheco damaged my spinal cord and put me in a wheelchair and didn't even care I went to a Rehab Center after surgery and he did not know or care
The best doctors office Ive ever visited professional and very well organized I would like to Thank all staff for a great job always courteous and respectful
Helson Pacheco-Serrant practices as a Neurosurgeon in El Paso, TX.
Dr. Helson Pacheco-Serrant, MD is a neurosurgeon in El Paso, Texas. He is currently licensed to practice medicine in Texas. He is affiliated with Las Palmas Medical Center, Providence Memorial Hospital, and Sierra Medical Center.
Dr. Ivania Peralta Kattengell, MD, specialist in pediatrics, currently treats patients in El paso, Texas.
Dr. Peralta Kattengell is licensed to treat patients in Texas.
Dr. Peralta Kattengell has been found to hold one or more active medical licenses, and successfully passed a malpractice history screening.
Pacheco-Serrant Helson MD is located at 1700 N Oregon St, El Paso, TX. This business specializes in General Practice Medicine and Neurology.
Guadalupe Medical Clinic Pllc is located at 1700 N Oregon St, El Paso, TX. This business specializes in Doctors & Clinics.
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