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American Women's Services - Englewood. Quality medical care and abortions for women with privacy, dignity and confidentiality in a safe and caring environment
Dr. Callaghan was fine to deal with in my first visit and I planned to come back but I couldn't recommend dealing with him.
His staff threatened to stop refilling my prescription until I set up an annual physical, and then actually failed to set up the appointment when I told them I would come in.
It took eight attempts over a two week period to reach Dr. Callaghan to discuss the issue.
Q: Does this provider offer flexible appointment times?
A: Absolutely! I never have a problem!
Q: Is this provider easy to reach in an emergency?
A: Absolutely not. I was forced to call the emergency room.
Q: Did this provider answer all of your questions?
A: Yes
Q: Was this provider's staff friendly?
A: Yes
Q: Did this provider answer all of your questions?
A: Yes
Q: Was this provider's staff friendly?
A: Yes
Q: Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
A: Completely!
I didn't have to wait at all after I arrived for my appointment. They were running right on time, which is a really big deal for me. They were one of the kindest, most caring staff I've ever dealt with. It didn't matter how many times I called with a question or concern, they were always happy to help me. They were by far one of the best I've ever seen in their field. It was obvious that...
Dr. Charles Callaghan is an internist in Saint Paul, Minnesota. He received his medical degree from Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine and has been in practice for 21 years
Rheumatology, Internal Medicine, Geriatrics
Internal Medicine
Dr Callaghan has not yet shared his bio with us.
Charles Callaghan, MD practices as an Internist in Saint Paul, MN.Charles Callaghan, MD graduated from Loyola Univ Of Chicago Stritch Sch Of Med, Maywood Il 60153.
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