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Extensive Experience
Indiana Residents
Both Felony & Misdemeanor
Attorney At Law
Both State & Federal Court
Extensive Experience Both State & Federal Court
Drivers' License Matters
Practicing Law
Driver's License Matters
Divers License Matters
Criminal Defense Both Felony & Misdemeanor
Misdemeanor & Felony
Driver's License Matters and Personal Injury. You will be treated as an individual, carefully reviewing your case and providing you with criminal defense. Whether convicted of operating while intoxicated, driving while suspended or a habitual traffic violator, we will discuss with you the law relating to probationary and hardship licenses.
We defend juvenile and adults that have been charged...
Receive legal representation at the law office of Harold W. Myers. Legal services include Criminal Defense (both felonies and misdemeanors). Driver's License Matters and Personal Injury. You will be treated as an individual, carefully reviewing your case and providing you with criminal defense. Whether convicted of operating while intoxicated, driving while suspended or a habitual traffic...
I believe Mr. Myers is a Super Lawyer, this man do not leave his client hanging.
I was a Police Officer in the area and Mr. Myers represented me in a very professional and courteous manner. Mr Myers proved his knowledge of the law and his ability to get things done as promised, or even … I was a Police Officer in the area and Mr. Myers represented me in a very professional and courteous manner. Mr Myers proved his knowledge of the law and his ability to get things done as...
Harold W Myers can be found at W Berry St 110. The following is offered: Lawyers: DUI , Lawyers: Personal Injury , Lawyers: Criminal. The entry is present with us since Feb 5, 2014 and was last updated on May 23, 2014. In Fort Wayne there are 13 other Lawyers: Criminal. An overview can be found here.
Extensive Experience
Indiana Residents
Both Felony & Misdemeanor
Attorney At Law
Both State & Federal Court
Extensive Experience Both State & Federal Court
Drivers' License Matters
Practicing Law
Driver's License Matters
Divers License Matters
Criminal Defense Both Felony & Misdemeanor
Misdemeanor & Felony
Stauffer Terry A is located at 110 W Berry St Ste 1700, Fort Wayne, IN. This business specializes in Law Firms.
Receive legal representation at the law office of Harold W. Myers. Legal services include Criminal Defense (both felonies and misdemeanors). Driver's License Matters and Personal Injury. You will be treated as an individual, carefully reviewing your case and providing you with criminal defense.
Personal Injury, Driver's License Matters, Extensive Experience Both State & Federal Court, Criminal Defense, Criminal Defense Both Felony & Misdemeanor, Both Felony & Misdemeanor, Attorney At Law, Extensive Experience, Both State & Federal Court, Divers License Matters, Misdemeanor & Felony, Indiana Residents
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