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Golden Empire Transit District was formed in 1973. It serves the Bakersfield, Calif., metropolitan area with approximately 153 square miles and a population of more than 365,000 people. Golden Empire has an active fleet of 79 buses. Many of the company s buses are fueled with clean-burning, compressed natural gas. All buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts and bike racks. It has 244 bus...
The get-a-lift is a wonderful transportation service for the disabled and for seniors. At one dollar per ride each way, it is a super deal, considering what the price of gas is! You will need a dr's rx, and get's application to get servic...
Golden Empire Transit District was formed in 1973. It serves the Bakersfield, Calif., metropolitan area with approximately 153 square miles and a population of more than 365,000 people. Golden Empire has an active fleet of 79 buses. Many of the company s buses are fueled with clean-burning, compressed natural gas. All buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts and bike racks. It has 244 bus...
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