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Help us make it rightGenki Living specializes in Japanese crepes, takoyaki, cupcakes, taiyaki, okonomiyaki, and other snacks and drinks. Genki Living also caters party's and events.
I use to love coming here when they were at the smaller shop 3 doors down. Now that they're at a larger location there are many problems. Service: service...
This place was really interesting, wings and beer combos? crepes? Shakes? Milk teas? A bakery? Wow, someone must've been really confused by what they...
My friend really recommended this place so I thought I would give it a try but I was slightly underwhelmed. I made my own crepe with condensed milk, green...
The Asian guy that worked here was cute.
But the Asian guy that took me here was cuter and I'm glad he exposed me to this new crepe-ice cream fusion.
Think Yogurtland but with crepes. It's anything goes WACK-A-DOO-DO-NESS and I LIKE IT!
If you go too crazy, it could be your own fault why it tastes bad so control yourself!
Pricey but good crepes. I recommend something simple i.e. 1 or 2 toppings otherwise it can be overly sweet.
Genki Living is located at 10130 Garden Grove Blvd Ste 107, Garden Grove, CA. This business specializes in Restaurants.
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