Status: Closed
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Help us make it rightBankruptcy: Chapter 7 & 13
You may be able to get a fresh start with no payment to your creditors.
You may be able to stop:
Credit Harassment
Wage Garnishments
Credit Card Charges
IRS Levies & Liens
Reduce or eliminate your monthly payments for credit cards, medical bills by up to 75%
Debt Relief Agency
Saturday & Evening Appointments Available
Laurie knew her stuff, answered any and all questions. Then delivered all that she promised.
Thank you Keith.
Wage Garnishments, Repossessions, IRS Interest & Penalties, Garnishment Defense, Deficiency Judgements, Creditor Harassment, Stop Foreclosures, Mortgage/Loan Modifications, Medical Bills, Lawsuits, Judgements, Free Consultation, Creditor Harassment Lawsuits, 2nd Mortgage Obligations, Settlements, Non-Bankruptcy Services, Judgments, IRS Levys & Liens, IRS Levy & Liens, IRS Levie & Liens,...
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