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Help us make it rightAt the core of who we are at First Pres is a desire to know God intimately through his son Jesus Christ and to make Jesus known to others. Theres no greater calling, and there is no better way to bless others than by sharing Gods love and grace in real and tangible ways.258086ATTR:NURSERYCONTEMPORARY SERVICE
First Presbyterian Church of La Grange is located at 150 S Ashland Ave, La Grange, IL. This business specializes in Religion & Spirituality.
Reaching Up.
Reaching Out.
Reaching You!
First Presbyterian Church of La Grange is an active church, with choirs Bible study and youth services. The church offers two services to suit the tastes of its congregation. The early traditional service emphasizes scripture and the later service emphasizes inspirational music and an upbeat message. There is also a Faith Forest for the kids, where they learn about the Bible through an engaging...
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