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Help us make it rightSpecialty materials, chemicals & refractories for the ceramics, plastics & metal processing industries Fluoropolymers PTFE, Liquid Crystal Polymer LCP, Polyamide Nylons PA, Polybutylene Terepthalate PBT
Ferro Corporation specializes in Chemical Preparations, Nec.
Insulating wool, Refractory blankets, Insulation boards, Ceramic fibre products, Dyes, Colorants, Hydrogen H, Nitrogen N, Oxygen O, Fluorine F, Arsenic As, Boron B, Carbon C, Phosphorus P, Selenium Se, Silicon Si, Sulfur S, Tellurium Te, Astatine At, Bromine Br, Iodine I, Chlorine Cl
500 Largest Publicly Held U.S. Manufacturing Companies;America's Largest Corporations;Top Owners;500 Largest Publicly Held U.S. Manufacturing Companies;America's Largest Corporations
Ferro is a quite colorful character. Ferro Corporation makes all kinds of colorants, including ceramic glazes, pigments, and porcelain enamels. It produces electronics, color and glass materials, and polymer and ceramic engineered materials. The company's products are used in construction and by manufacturers of appliances, cars, electronics, and household furnishings. Ferro's industrial...
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