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Help us make it rightFor more than 60 years, Ferguson has earned a strong reputation among contractors, builders and plumbers across the country. We are the largest distributor of residential and commercial plumbing supplies and PVF in the U.S., and a major supplier of HVAC, waterworks and industrial products and services. Ferguson understands the challenges that contractors face. Our knowledgeable people, on-time...
Ferguson Fire & Fabrication, Inc.
Ferguson Fire and Fabrication (FFF) supplies the highest quality fire-protection products across the United States, including Alaska, dedicated to the fire-sprinkler contractor. Ferguson Fire and Fabrication has and is continuing to grow their business and reputation on performing. "Total Performance" is assured in the areas of product selection, fast and...
Ferguson Fire & Fabrication has a fabrication department for a diverse range of fire protection supplies and equipment. The company has been in business for sixty years and understands the importance of a well build product. Customers are welcome to visit any of the Ferguson Fire & Fabrication showrooms and the available staff will be able to help.
Ferguson Fire & Fabrication is the nation’s largest independent distributor of fire protection systems, offering contractors a huge inventory of sprinkler heads and devices, special hazards equipment, fittings, pipe and hangers. Ferguson supports fire protection contractors with more than 700 highly trained associates, 60 locations and 31 fabrication facilities in 29 states. This means...
Ferguson Fire & Fabrication has a number of well trained employees that are committed to make high standard quality products. Among the products available at Ferguson Fire & Fabrication customers may find Fire Sprinklers, Fire-Protection Products, Hangers, Special Hazards Equipment and many more. Ferguson Fire & Fabrication is a certified sprinkle producer and takes its job seriously.
Ferguson Fire and Fabrication (FFF) supplies the highest quality fire-protection products across the United States, including Alaska, dedicated to the fire-sprinkler contractor. Ferguson Fire and Fabrication has and is continuing to grow their business and reputation on performing. "Total Performance" is assured in the areas of product selection, fast and efficient shop and/or jobsite deliveries, job based or shop accounting and the most comprehensive inventory in the industry.
People make the difference at Ferguson Fire and Fabrication. This team of associates enthusiastically uses its...
Ferguson Fire & Fabrication is located at 335 W 2880 S, Salt Lake City, UT. This business specializes in Fire Protection and Safety.
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