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Help us make it rightOptometrist
Contact Lense Exams
Eye Care Services
Prescription Glasses
Eye Care
Contact Lenses
Eye Doctor
Executive Eye Care is a full service Optometry Clinic located downtown in the Houston Tunnel System.
Servicing your Optical and Medical eye needs including: Comprehensive Eye Exams, Treatment of Ocular Disease, Taumas, and Optical Dispensing
Executive Eye Care is your source for locating an independent eye care practitioner who is committed to providing patients with the highest standard of personalized care. Dr. Murrell is a highly trained professional member of the eye health community who strives to offer each patient the high quality personalized care they deserve.Executive Eye Care is a full service Optometry Clinic located...
I am having trouble with my eyes. I am not sure what's wrong. Executive eye care help me to solve the problem. They provided me with glasses. It was fast and affordable.
Absolutely no complaints from my visit. I went here to get glasses because my eyes really hurts. The staff and the doctor are professional, this would be the place for me to get my glasses.
This is not your typical eye center, the interior of this clinic is beautiful with expert eye doctor. The staff here are very helpful. From checking my eye problem to choosing eyeglasses frames. Best experience ever!
Great service, very thourouh exam.
Thank you!
The office was very clean and professional. I did feel that the Dr didn't take what I was saying seriously and help resolve my issue even if was a small issue. I felt like she did a lot of tal...
Friendly and professional
Physicians & Surgeons Ophthalmology
Optometrists Od
Executive Eye Care is a full service Optometry Clinic.Comprehensive Eye Exams Ocular Disease & Trauma Optical
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