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ETERNITY was established as an affordable alternative to the giant chains that own most of the mortuaries in Southern California. It was founded to offer a simple, dignified and economic alternative to the costly mortuary/cemetery experience. An experience which often creates hardship for families existing on limited incomes, or families that believe in spending wisely and...
Eternity Cremation was established as an affordable alternative to the giant chains that own most of the morturaries in Southern California. It was founded to offer a simple, dignified and economic alternative to the costly mortuary/cemetery experience. An experience which often creates hardship for families existing on limited incomes, or families that believe in spending wisely and...
Eternity Cremation & Burial Service can be found at E Katella Ave 438. The following is offered: Funerals. The entry is present with us since Sep 8, 2010 and was last updated on Nov 14, 2013. In Orange there are 1 other Funerals. An overview can be found here.
State Licensed #Fd-1536
State License #Fd-1536
Fd 1536
State Licensed # Fd-1536
State Licensed # Fd-1536, State License #Fd-1536, State Licensed #Fd-1536, Simple, Fd 1536, Convenient, Affordable
Eternity Cremation was established as an affordable alternative to the giant chains that own most of the morturaries in Southern California. It was founded to offer a simple, dignified and economic alternative to the costly mortuary/cemetery experience. An experience which often creates hardship for families existing on limited incomes, or families that believe in spending wisely and...
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