Status: Open
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Help us make it rightDepression, Anxiety, Stress Management. Prompt day & evening appointments, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Adolescent & Child Issues, Couple & Family Conflicts, Trauma, Stress, Life Changes, Solution. Individual, Couple, Adolescent, Life Changes, Individual & Couple, Adult & Adolescent, Empowering You To Discover Effective, Realistic Solutions To Your Problems., Empowering You To Discover...
Q: Were the waiting rooms private?
A: Yes, I very randomly see other clients
Q: Did you feel that this counselor was judgmental?
A: Not at all, I felt comfortable talking to them about anything
Q: Did you leave feeling satisfied with your visit?
A: Completely!
Q: Would you recommend this counselor to others?
A: I Already Have
Q: Was it easy to make an appointment with this provider?
A: Yes
Q: Did this provider ever postpone your appointment?
A: Not at all! They always try to get me in as soon as possible
Q: Was this provider's staff friendly?
A: Yes, they went above and beyond
Q: Was this provider's staff friendly?
A: Yes, they went above and beyond
Q: Did this provider ever dismiss your concerns as unimportant?
A: Never, they go out of their way to address every concern of...
Trauma, Stress, Life Changes, Individual & Couple, Grief, Depression, Anxiety, Adult & Adolescent
Empower Counseling Service is a Counselor facility at 2105 West Genesee Street in Syracuse, NY.
Empower Counseling Services is a Counselor facility at 2105 West Genesee Street in Syracuse, NY.
Empower Counseling Service is a Counselor facility at 315 South Crouse Ave in Syracuse, NY.
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