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Family owned and operated, with over 40 years experience.
Electric Solutions Unlimited is a family owned and operated business with 40 years of experience on its side.
Awesome! Called in the morning and he was able to fit me in a couple of hours later. 1/2 of my basement was not functioning and he was able to fix the electrical problem very quickly (was a...
These guys were great!! Able to get to my house same day, very curtious and resonably priced.
Installation was quick and price quote was fair.
Quick response by a great team. Will use them again in the future.
This is a nice father and son team that specializes in residential remodeling projects. Don't let the friendly demeanor fool you. If you want a quality electrician, look else where. They left a huge hole in my laundry room where they installed a manual transfer switch, they mislabeled the breakers on the transfer switch, and, more importantly, they wired a 20amp circuit to a 15 amp breaker...
Residential, Licensed, Insured, Industrial, Commercial, Bonded, over 40 Years Experience
Electrical Contractor
Industrial Electrician
Commercial Electrician
Residential Electrician
Electrical Repair
Electrical Maintenance
Industrial Generators
Licensed Electrician
Electricial Problem
Electrical Service
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