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Donnarumma Robert MD

100 High St Buffalo NY 14203
(716) 859-5600
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Dr. Hojnacki is really the best neurologist in New York, maybe even the country. I was having 1-2 MS relapses a year with my other neurologists and they told me that was fine. Since I began with Dr. Hojnacki, I have not had a relapse in 5 years.

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This was the worst experience I ever had. After an internal exam which hurt I was sore and having discomfort for weeks after. I did not go into the office with any pain or discomfort and any exams I previously had with my ob/gyn over the years never caused me any pain or discomfort. Obviously Dr Greco does not care or know how to do this type of exam so should not do it rather than cause...

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ONE day before my scheduled surgery, it was cancelled for another week because Dr. was on vacation and had not completed paperwork for ?? so that he could perform the surgery.

I called answering service last night asking for non-narcotic pain killer and the message was never received. The nurse has been in contact with the Dr. several times today and nothing has been sent to my pharmacy. It...

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If you have an appointment bring something to read, he has never been less than 30 minutes late. On more than one occasion it was more than an hour. He does ask some relevant questions but rarely lets you respond with more than a one sentence response, He seems to be in a rush to complete your appointment and this makes it difficult to relay important information to him.

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Easiest most friendly office and Doctor. Can not say enough positive

Business description (16) view all

McCormack Robert MD is located at 100 High St, Buffalo, NY. This location is in the Medical Park neighborhood. This business specializes in General Practice Medicine.

Dr. Victor Regenbogen, MD is a board certified radiologist in Buffalo, New York. He is currently licensed to practice medicine in New York and California. He is affiliated with Millard Fillmore Suburban - Kaleida Health.

Phillips Matthew MD is located at 100 High St, Buffalo, NY. This location is in the Medical Park neighborhood. This business specializes in Care Providers.

Dr. Kenneth Pearsen, MD--specialist in diagnostic radiology--currently practices medicine at Sanborn, New York, Buffalo, New York, North tonawanda, New York, Newark, New York, Williamsville, New York, Jamestown, New York, East amherst, New York, Brockport, New York, Rochester, New York, Geneva, New York, Clifton springs, New York, Tonawanda, New York, and Orchard park, New York.

Dr. Pearsen is...

Dr. Robert McCormack, MD specializes in emergency medicine, and currently sees patients in Brookline, Massachusetts and Buffalo, New York.

Dr. McCormack received his medical degree from State University Of New York Health Sciences Center At Brooklyn and is licensed to treat patients in New York.

Dr. McCormack has successfully passed a background check including a medical license verification...

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