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Located just off Garnet, this beer and wine bar prides itself on cheap drinks and a chill vibe. Chances of getting hit on--or spilled on--inside The Dog's walls are much lower...
Wednesday night is the time to go out to the Dog. You can get a good beer for cheap. Its a great place to go with some friends and play some...
$2 entrance, $1 beer wednesday nights are the reason to go. Get your entry stamp and walk to Bubs or grab a hot dog from the cart right out...
If you enjoy dive bars, the Dog is a good one to visit. Inexpensive drinks, an interesting crowed and in a convenient PB location make it wo...
In Short Located just off Garnet, this beer and wine bar prides itself on cheap drinks and a chill vibe. Chances of getting hit on--or spilled on--inside The Dog's walls are much lower than at its more wild PB neighbors that seem to be on a perennial spring break. The regulars come for good conversation, a game of pool or a quick beer during the 6pm-7pm happy hour when domestic beers are just $1.
This bar is unique in the crowd it brings. I suppose one might say it calls for a more rough crowd. Its usually filled with middle aged me...
This neighborhood den has large picture windows to give the bar a well-lit ambiance. They serve a wide array of beers and other alcoholic beverages. Monday nights, they rip up tons of music from acid jazz to rock and roll.
Moondoggies Inc is located at 4479 Everts St, San Diego, CA. This business specializes in Bars, Pubs, & Clubs.
When to Go: On Wednesdays, beer is $1 all night.
Save Money: Save those quarters for a parking meter; pool is free on Sundays and Mondays.
On Wednesdays, beer is $1 all night.
Save those quarters for a parking meter; pool is free on Sundays and Mondays.
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