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Help us make it rightCommunication Skills & Total Image Enhancement Coaching!
Specializing in all aspects of verbal and non-verbal image for individuals, executives, and professionals. As an Executive Coach and Certified Image Consultant, Ms. Darius brings a holistic approach to optimize communication and image. The techniques used develop an individual's vitality, self-esteem, effectiveness, and productivity.
I can't imagine a better communications coach than Laura. I've tried 2 coaches before I was referred to her: The difference is day and night. She is a well respected professional and innovator in...
"Laura Darius is one of the finest coaches I have had the pleasure to work with. Her coaching style quickly identifies each client's unique needs. She then structures a well-defined program to...
Customized Executive, Professional and Personal Coaching in Speech, Presentation, Image and Wellness. Laura Darius will transform the way you look, feel and just a few sessions. 25 years of experience with great results.
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