Status: Open
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Help us make it rightA Curves 30 minute fitness center is a woman's gym that provides a total body workout. With both aerobic exercise for weight loss and strength training for toned muscles, a Curves workout provides an exercise plan that can burn up to 500 calories in just 30 minutes. Curves clubs also offer a nutrition program and diet solution that provides permanent results without permanent dieting. Curves...
Discover a gym where women change their lives, 30 minutes at a time. Fitness Center, Curves International, Curves, Aerobic Exercise, 30 Minute Workout, Gymnasiums, Health Club, Ladies Only Workout, Weight Loss Programs, Weight Management Programs, Womens Fitness, Womens Gym, Workout
Fitness and weight-loss facility offers women nutritional guidance and 30-minute workouts that combine aerobic and strength training.
Fitness and weight-loss facility offers women nutritional guidance and 30-minute workouts that combine aerobic and strength training.
Curves is located at 2119 W Beebe Capps Expy, Searcy, AR. This business specializes in Health Clubs.
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