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Help us make it rightCox Die Casting provides die casting services to customers throughout California and the United States. Cox Die Casting produces die castings for manufacturers in the sporting goods, computer equipment, electrical and electronics, instruments defense and aerospace, builders hardware, hand tools, medical equipment and telecommunications. Die casting is a metal forming process that injects molten...
Cox Die Casting produces Aluminum, Zinc and ZA alloy castings. They also provide machining, finishing and assembly services on the castings they produce.
Cox Die Casting, near Los Angeles, provides aluminum and zinc die casting services for a range of industries
Metal service center; manufactures aluminum die castings; manufactures nonferrous die-cast products Steel die castings, Magnesium die castings, Zinc die castings, Tin die castings, Titanium die castings, Beryllium die castings, Precious metal die castings, Copper die castings, Lead die castings, Brass die castings, Bronze die castings, Aluminum die castings
Cox Die Casting is located at 1528 W 178th St, Gardena, CA. This location is in the South Gardena neighborhood. This business specializes in Manufacturing & Industrial Supplies.
Cox Die Casting can be found at W 178th St 1528. The following is offered: Metal Industries. The entry is present with us since Sep 8, 2010 and was last updated on Nov 14, 2013. In Gardena there are 143 other Metal Industries. An overview can be found here.
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