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Coppola Charles A

2100 Westown Pkwy, Ste 210 West-Des-Moines IA 50265
(515) 706-1401
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What the community has to say about Coppola Charles A

Information about this business (3)

Charles A Coppola. Christopher B Coppola. Harlan "Bud" D Hockenberg. Kathleen T Sandre. Lawrence F Scalise. Richard O McConville.

021021attr:personal injury021080attr:worker's compensation022670attr:divorce260098attr:workers compensationattorneysattorneys adoption, divorce & family lawattorneys malpractice law & negligenceattorneys workers compensation, employee benefit & labor lawchild custodydivorceestate planningfamily lawlost wagesmedical malpracticewrongful death

Finding the right legal representation for your specific needs can be difficult and time consuming task. Luckily, Coppola, McConville, Coppola, Hockenberg, & Scalise, P.C. can help you find legal resolutions for family, business, and personal injury concerns. We're proud to provide these solutions to the residents of Des Moines, IA. Our areas of practice include: • Divorce and family law •...

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Finding the right legal representation for your specific needs can be difficult and time consuming task. Luckily, Coppola, McConville, Carroll, Hockenberg & Flynn, P.C. is a law firm based in West Des Moines, IA with a wide and varied successful legal practice that has been serving local and national clients for more than four decades. We're proud to provide these solutions to the residents of Des Moines, IA. Our areas of practice include: Divorce and family law Personal injury Workers compensation Criminal law Medical malpractice Business law We will fight aggressively for your rights, and strive to get you the results you deserve. Depending on the specifics of your case, these results may anything from financial compensation to child custody rights. We understand that each case is different, and we'll work with you throughout the entire legal process to ensure your complete satisfaction. So don't delay. When

Coppola, Mcconville, Coppola, Hockenberg & Scalise is a licensed law firm offering legal services in the law areas of personal injury, corporate law, criminal law and more. Coppola, Mcconville, Coppola, Hockenberg & Scalise's attorneys offer over 45 years of combined legal experience.

Christopher Coppola: An Experienced Attorney Involved In Both The Local And Legal Communities

I am Christopher Coppola, attorney and partner at Coppola, McConville, Coppola, Carroll, Hockenberg & Scalise, P.C. For more than 15 years, I have represented individuals and families in West Des Moines and throughout my native Iowa. Whether helping people who have been injured on the job recover...

We have helped clients resolve personal injury, wrongful death and medical malpractice claims for settlements and awards exceeding six and seven figures Our firm includes an attorney, Mr. Scalise, who has been a Federal prosecutor employed by the Independent Counsel's office in Washington D.C. and has successfully prosecuted persons accused of criminal activity Get answers to your questions,...

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