Status: Open
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Help us make it rightHere at Como Meat, we thrive in providing quality meat and services to our customers. To ensure we are meeting customers from all financial backgrounds, we accept checks, major credit cards, cash and EBT. We are wheel chair accessible and have parking available. Our mission is to provide Fresh meat daily, quality services and authentic cuts for authentic cooking.
We pride ourselves in our...
Como Meat provides fresh cuts for Authentic Asian dishes. Their best selling items are pork -cracklings and home-made Hmong sausages. Como Meat provides friendly services and are family oriented.
Como Meat was founded in 2006. The company is located in Saint Paul and incorporated in Minnesota. Como Meat specializes in Retail - Meat Markets, Including Freezer Provisioners.
Como Meat provides fresh cuts for Authentic Asian dishes. Their best selling items are pork -cracklings and home-made Hmong sausages. Como Meat provides friendly services and are family oriented.
Como Meat
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