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Help us make it rightGreat Tender Loving Care.!! Greatly recommend this facility. 5 star
Q: Was this senior care facility's staff friendly?
A: Yes
Q: Was it easy to find parking at this senior care facility?
A: Not really, but I found a spot
Q: Were you able to get all of your questions answered while you were at this senior care facility?
A: Yes
Q: Did this provider give the impression that they cared about your concerns?
A: Yes
Q: Was the waiting area spacious enough?
A: No
Q: Would you recommend this nursing home to others?
A: Yes
Q: Did the staff keep the temperature in the waiting room pleasant?
A: Yes
Q: Is this provider easy to reach in an emergency?
A: Absolutely
Q: Does this provider use current and safe equipment?
A: Yes; the equipment is very advanced!
Q: Was this provider's staff friendly?
A: Yes
Q: Did this provider seem up-to-date with the current advancements in their field?
A: Yes, they were informing me of new advancements that were extremely recent
Q: Did this provider leave you unattended for an extended period of time?
A: Not at all! They were always present and attentive
Q: Were you able to relax during your appointment?
A: Yes, I was completely at ease
My family is very happy with the care my aunt is receiving. It is way beyond what we expected. The staff is wonderful. They are happy , friendly, compassionate,caring and just exactly the type of people you pray to take care of your loved one. This is not just your typical nursing home. This IS HOME to the residents. I always look forward to my visits. I do not worry about my aunt. She is happy...
Community Extended Care Hosp is a Nursing Home facility at 9620 Fremont Ave in Montclair, CA.
Community Extended Care Hospital of Montclair, a nursing home in Montclair, CA received a 4 out of 5 overall rating from CMS of the Dept of Health and Human Services on November 19th 2015. This score means that Community Extended Care Hospital of Montclair is rated above average overall based on health inspections, nursing home staffing and quality measures.
Community Extended Care Hospital of Montclair is a Nursing Home facility at 9620 Fremont Ave in Montclair, CA.
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