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Changing the way the world thinks about and eats fast food. When Chipotle opened its first restaurant in 1993, the idea was simple: show that food served fast didn't have to be a "fast-food" experience. Using high-quality raw ingredients, classic cooking techniques, and distinctive interior design, we brought features from the realm of fine dining to the world of quick-service restaurants. Over...
Family restaurantfast food
Worst chipotle I've ever been to possibly worst one on earth. Place is always disgustingly dirty. I regularly see old food just rotting on the floor and the staff is usually very unhelpful. Always...
The worst restaurant I've ever had. Honestly, this is my first time to come here and this is also my last time to come here. I spent $6.85, and you gave me this?????? A bowl of rice? My friends...
Food: Standard Chipotle, but the rice always seems to be undercooked. Service: Sure, Steelyard is the worst Chipotle in the world, but the University Circle location comes close. It's common to...
Very slow service, sometimes the line is ridiculously long and it seems they could serve more efficiently. Sometimes they run out of different ingredients. I wouldn't say it's dirty but not as...
It's a very good place, me personally only like a couple things from here, but my grandkids love it. So its okay with me.
Chipotle Mexican Grill is located at 11452 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH. This business specializes in Mexican Restaurants.
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