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3326 W Friendly Ave Ste 106 Greensboro NC 27410
(336) 315-0234
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What the community has to say about Chico's

Information about this business (3)

Chico's: Fabulous looks. Conversation-starting jewelry. The most amazing service. For 30 years, we've helped millions of women look as great as they feel.

We side with style over fashion, think timelessness is underrated and find that clothes look best when they're lived in. We wear sneakers with suits, wing tips with jeans and chambray on chambray. We don't believe there's such a thing as overdressed-and we don't rent tuxedos. We're an American brand, but we source fabrics from around the world.


Ladies Pants
Dresses & Skirts
Ladies Sweaters
Women's Apparel
Womens Pants
Women's Clothing & Accessories
Women's Sweaters
Women's Jackets
Women's Blouses and Tops
Women's Jeans

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Editorial reviews from the web (1)

Women's clothing influenced by world cultures and designed for style and comfort.

In Short
For women who love to travel, or who simply prefer a worldly look, Chico's offers fashions inspired by the cultures of Africa, Japan and South America. Much of the...

Other reviews from the web (2)

Average Rating

I love Chicos. They are expensive compared to places like Target. A new dress begins at $139. However they do run sales and coupons. The clothes are very flattering and they last a long time. I...

Women's clothing influenced by world cultures and designed for style and comfort..

In Short
For women who love to travel, or who simply prefer a worldly look, Chico's offers fashions inspired by the cultures of Africa, Japan and South America. Much of the store-exclusive clothing line consists of embroidered tank tops, linen jackets, washable silk blouses, tailored pants and button-down tops. Most items are lightweight and loose-fitting. Many feature elastic waistbands. Beaded earrings and bracelets complete that just-off-safari look.

Business description (6) view all

Women's clothing store that offers a curated collection of chic, unique women's clothing, jewelry and accessories. Your boutique features Style Experts, skilled associates who offer outfitting advice, fashion tips and tricks, previews of new collections and more and it's always complimentary.

50% Off Highest-Priced Item When You Spend $100

Chico's: Fabulous looks. Conversation-starting jewelry. The most amazing service. For 30 years, we’ve helped millions of women look as great as they feel.

Chico's can be found at Friendly Center Rd 803. The following is offered: Women's Clothing. The entry is present with us since Sep 10, 2010 and was last updated on Nov 14, 2013. In Greensboro there are 72 other Women's Clothing. An overview can be found here.

We side with style over fashion, think timelessness is underrated and find that clothes look best when they're lived in. We wear sneakers with suits, wing tips with jeans and chambray on chambray. We don't believe there’s such a thing as overdressed—and we don't rent tuxedos. We’re an American brand, but we source fabrics from around the world.

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