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Help us make it rightWelcome to Chicago Mailing Tube Company! Chicago Mailing Tube Company is a paper tube manufacturer located in Chicago, Illinois, with service areas reaching across the nation. Our manufacturing plant offers paper tubes, containers, and cores custom designed to meet your specific size requirements. The diameter of the tubes can be 1/2" to 12", with lengths reaching up to 300 inches. Is your...
Manufacturers of Mailing Tubes. Chicago Mailing Tube Company is a paper tube manufacturer serving Chicago, IL, and areas reaching across the nation. All shipping materials meet UPS, USPS, and DOT shipping standards, so you can rest assured your package will always be delivered on time. In addition, if you add an imprint or a logo, it will promote your business, and/or increase brand...
Chicago Mailing Tube Company is a paper tube manufacturer serving Chicago, IL, and areas reaching across the nation. All shipping materials meet UPS, USPS, and DOT shipping standards, so you can rest assured your package will always be delivered on time. In addition, if you add an imprint or a logo, it will promote your business, and/or increase brand identification.
Our manufacturing plant...
I am glad the shipping is fast and my cardboard tubes to ship supplies via UPS were top notch!
My mailing tubes were shipped be me on time and I was glad to know they were top notch quality!
Chicago Mailing Tube Company is a paper tube manufacturer serving Chicago, IL, and areas reaching across the nation. All shipping materials meet UPS, USPS, and DOT shipping standards, so you can rest assured your package will always be delivered on time. In addition, if you add an imprint or a logo, it will promote your business, and/or increase brand identification. Our manufacturing plant produces paper tube containers with custom-designed cores to meet specific size requirements. The diameter of tubes can be 1/2 to 24, with lengths reaching over 300 inches. Some common uses for our paper tubes are: Blueprints and art Promotional materials Automotive parts Lighting tracks Carpets and cloth Candles Office supplies Convention exhibits If your business is shipping valuable merchandise, be sure to inquire about Chicago Mailing Tube Company's crush and moisture resistant paper tubes. All products can come with an open pinched end, or with a plastic cap closure. Call Chicago Mailing Tube Company for premium shipping tubes.
Manufactures mailing tubes & cans, core rewinding, paper caps, metal & plastic ends Collapsible tubes, Spool, Reel, Parcel handles, Capsule tubes or caps, Paper tubes or cores, Tube or core end plugs
Manufacturers of Mailing Tubes.
Since 1902
109 years in business
Manufacturers of Mailing Tubes.
Chicago Mailing Tube Company is a paper tube manufacturer serving Chicago, IL, and areas reaching across the nation. All shipping materials meet UPS, USPS, and DOT shipping standards, so you can rest assured your package will always be delivered on time. In addition, if you add an imprint or a logo, it will promote your business, and/or increase brand...
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