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Erendira Sermino usually sells 3 bedroom houses around $369k in value, Erendira Sermino covers Downey (CA), South Gate (CA), Long Beach (CA), Whittier (CA), Lynwood (CA), Huntington Park (CA), La Puente (CA),...
Ryan R. Meltcher usually sells 3 bedroom houses around $488k in value, Ryan R. Meltcher covers Orange (CA), Garden Grove (CA)
Eduardo Bailon usually sells 3 bedroom houses around $501k in value, Eduardo Bailon covers Whittier (CA), Montebello (CA), Lynwood (CA), El Sereno (CA), La Puente (CA), Commerce (CA), Los Angeles (CA)
Martin Robles usually sells 4 bedroom houses around $325k in value, Martin Robles covers Compton (CA)
Elia Rivera usually sells 3 bedroom houses around $357k in value, Elia Rivera covers Compton (CA), Long Beach (CA)
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