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Carolina & Co

105 3rd St Santa Rosa CA 95401
(707) 526-6879
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Monogrammed gifts253080attr:floral design

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Christmas Has ARRIVED at Carolina & Co. My friends and I look forward to Carol's open house every year. This is a gem of a shop that offers unique affordable items for you or for gifts.There is...

This is the place to go when y...

This is the place to go when you are looking to dress up you place for a party, or find the perfect gift. Make sure to ask Carol for help, as she can always pick out the perfect gift and wrap it beautifully. Buy something & have it personalized for your special someone. Great place to look for a house warming gift, birthday, anniv. or something for yourself. So many cute things, you are sure to...


The cutest gift shop in town. I'm there every time I need a gift for a friend or relitive. For my last bridal gift I had Carol embroider the bride & grooms names on towels. She also embroidered their name on this cute basket, put everything into the basket and even gift wrapped it all! I must say it was the hit of the party.


Cute, unique, classy, custom, creative! This store has a ton of great gifts for the hard to shop for host in your life! Everything can be monogrammed, most items are local and all items are very…

Business description (2)

Carolina & Co is located at 105 3rd St, Santa Rosa, CA. This business specializes in Wedding Supplies & Services.

Carolina and Co. is personalized gift shop that offers a wide selection of gifts for men, women, teens, children, and pets, all of which are able to be monogrammed in chosen styles and colors. Home goods include embroidered state pillows, kitchen and dining linens, and soaps.

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