Status: Closed
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Help us make it rightDr. Hammoud is very knowledgeable and thorough. He took the time to explain my treatment options. The office is very comfortable and upscale. The medical staff is very helpful. I highly recommend visiting Dr. Hammoud for any diabetes, thyroid, and weight management issues.
Very responsive and quick turnaround on lab reports and prescription refills.
Great doctor and a very nice practice.
Dr. Surender Rajasekaran, MD is a board certified pediatrician in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is currently licensed to practice medicine in Michigan, Ohio, and Texas.
Rajasekaran Surender MD is located at 100 Michigan St NE, Grand Rapids, MI. This business specializes in General Practice Medicine.
Dr. Ramadan Hammoud, MD, specialist in internal medicine, currently sees patients in Grand rapids, Michigan.
Dr. Hammoud is licensed to treat patients in Michigan.
In addition to having active medical licenses, Dr. Hammoud has passed an automated background check which looked at elements including medical license status and malpractice screening (no history found).
Dr. Mohamad El-Kurdi, MD--specialist in internal medicine--currently sees patients in Grand rapids, Michigan.
Dr. El-Kurdi is licensed to see patients in Kansas.
Dr. El-Kurdi has been found during an automated background check to be clear of any malpractice history and holds one or more active medical licenses.
Dr. Shahid Mohammed, MD, specialist in internal medicine, currently practices medicine at Grand rapids, Michigan.
Dr. Mohammed is licensed to practice medicine at Michigan.
Dr. Mohammed has been found during an automated background check to be clear of any malpractice history and holds one or more active medical licenses.
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