Status: Closed
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Help us make it rightBreast Pumps:
Cambridge Medical Supply only carries top of the line breast pumps made by Medela and Ameda. We keep a variety of pumps - both rental and purchase- in stock at all times. We are contracted with most major insurance companies
Compression Stockings:
Cambridge Medical Supply offers top quality medical compression stockings for venous disorders. All compression stocking orders must be...
medical supplies for greater Boston area Breast Pumps Compression Stockings Mobility Aids Bathroom SafetyINSURANCE ACCEPTEDMEDICARE
medical supplies for greater Boston area Breast Pumps Compression Stockings Mobility Aids Bathroom Safety
I am very happy with Cambridge Medical Supply. I called to fill a prescription for a double electric breast pump. My wife wanted the Medela pump so when I called the customer service rep to ask if they had them, she verified insurance coverage, and even gave me an alternate address that would work better …
Below is an email I wrote the owner a couple of weeks ago. I never received a response and therefore I have no other option but to share my experience in yelp.I am writing regards to a Breast...
I was happy to find this local supplier who has the latest in Medela equipment.
Cambridge Medical Supply, Inc. specializes in breast pumps and compression stockings.
Wheelchairs & Scooters
Cambridge Medical Supply is a locally owned provider of medical supplies in Cambridge, MA. We are located on a major thoroughfare, convenient to the highway
About cambridge medical supply inccambridge medical supply inc is a medical supplies facility at 218 obrien hwy in cambridge, ma.
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