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Help us make it rightBindleStiff Studio - epicenter for filipino american performing art...
WHAT'S A BINDLESTIFF? bin·dle·stiff A hobo, especially one who carries a bedroll. Bindlestiff Studio's logo of two rings was a symbol used by Great Depression era tramps traveling the country seeking food and work. The rings let other bindlestiffs know where food and shelter could be found and signified to never give up hope. See More
Bindlestiff Studio was founded in 1989 by Canadian artists Chrystene Ells, Chris Brophy, and a group of local theater artists and for many years flourished as an experimental theater space. In 1997, Allan S. Manalo, artistic director for the Filipino theater company "tongue in A mood" became Bindlestiff Studio's Artistic & Managing Director. He transformed the theater into the...
A magical place where art comes to life.
See things here you will never see in mainstream theater. Written, directed by, and performed by local artists.
Come and see for yourself.
The show was entertaining but I could not enjoy it because they packed the audience so tight with tiny pub chairs right against one another. Every member of the audience was physically touching shoulder and thighs against one another. Not cool! Not comfortable. Treat your paying guests better because they support you.
5 star
5 star
This is my home and my family. I pursued my passion in performing arts because I was inspired by Bindlestiff and its artists who taught me to be bold and take risks, but always by refining the craft.
Bindlestiff Studio is located at 185 6th St, San Francisco, CA. This business specializes in Artists.
Bindlestiff Studio is located at 953 Mission St, San Francisco, CA. This location is in the SoMa neighborhood. This business specializes in Entertainment Venues and Community Centers.
Bindlestiff Studio can be found at Natoma St 505. The following is offered: Theaters. The entry is present with us since Sep 9, 2010 and was last updated on Nov 14, 2013. In San Francisco there are 39 other Theaters. An overview can be found here.
Bindlestiff Studio
Bindlestiff Studio cultivates artists who reflect and celebrate the diverse values, traditions, and histories of Pilipino and Filipino American cultures through bold artistic expression and community engagement.
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