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Hammary Furniture
Custom American made leather furniture. Over 100 styles of leather sectionals, leather sofas, leather chairs, leather recliners and home theater seating. Designed for comfort, built to last a lifetime, we are the leather furniture experts.
Hammary, Get Directions, Hammary Furniture
We are very happy with our furniture that we bought from Arizona Leather. Our living room couch and chair are 5 years old and still look like new and get even more comfortable with time. We just...
Terrible quality and terrible customer service. We spent over 4000.00 in a couch and chair and they are breaking down after just 2 years. The decorative stitching started to unravel after only a...
I spent over $6000 at the Huntington Beach store and it was the worst purchase I've ever made. Do not purchase from any Arizona Leather stores. They have absolutely the worst customer service....
I got my custom leather sectional about four years ago, 2009. To date, it is the most comfortable couch I have ever sat on. My wife always gets angry at me because I constantly fall asleep on it...
Be prepared to wait at least 8 weeks for your furniture no matter what they promise you at the store.I waited 8 weeks then the delivery company called me and left a message on a Friday...
Shunda, Peoploungers, Mallin
Arizona Leather Company can be found at Edinger Ave 7662. The following is offered: Luggage & Accessories. The entry is present with us since Sep 7, 2010 and was last updated on Nov 12, 2013. In Huntington Beach there are 1 other Luggage & Accessories. An overview can be found here.
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