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Help us make it rightThe Apothecary Lofts & Ridnour Room are three venues that can be used for numerous events such as weddings, birthdays, Anniversaries, baby/bridal showers, rehearsal dinners, business meetings, banquets, and much more.
We are the ONLY 1st Class venues downtown Lincoln, Nebraska that allows the user COMPLETE control over the food and alcohol services for the event. The client is able to choose...
5 顆星
5 顆星
Loved our whole experience there! My only down fall was the thick green carpet in the lofts, but I loved the rooms and how the looked in pictures! (Just not the green carpet) but we loved the huge Ridnour room and that we can do whatever we want!
I was very pleased with the service we received and the beautiful venue. It was perfect for the intimate wedding we had with our friends and family. I would recommend the North Apothecary to anyone looking to make memories in a place with character and space.
It was a beautiful (and convenient) setting to host a rehearsal dinner, a wedding reception, and a perfect place for the bride and bridesmaids to stay the night before.
Whirlpool, Romantic Furnishings, Receptions, Overnight Special Events, Intimate Weddings, Fireplaces, Dinners, Reception & Rehearsal Dinner Locations, Banquet Facilities
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