Status: Open
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Help us make it rightDr. Jefferds ensured that any ill patient was quickly seen and evaluated by her, a rarity in this medical environment. She astutely evaluated me, taking time to ensure that she fully understood any issues that I was concerned about. I have seen her for several years, and considered myself fortunate to have such excellent medical care.
Fantastic! She is the best doctor I have ever had. She listens, she is compassionate, and very engaged. I miss her terribly!! She is no longer at this location, however.
I would never recommend her to any one. I do believe she is a good doctor but her staff is horrible. They don't listen, they are argumentative anecdotes when you try too give them the correct information they call you a liar. This is the worst office I have ever been to. They wouldn't correct the billing until I told them I would report them for insurance fraud. Two days later I got a letter...
Dr Jeffords is a pleasant woman, however her follow-thru and competence are not up to par. While appointments are easy to get, she seemed vaguely confused while we spoke. She ordered the wrong test including an unnecessary ABG. She told me it was a lab mistake, but it was what she ordered. She promised to call with results, however she never called and the results are still unavailable to...
She is forgetful, unorganized...still writes everything down with pen and paper. Every time you go back you have to explain things all over again.
Jefferds Ann MD is located at 324 10th Ave, Salt Lake City, UT. This business specializes in Doctors & Clinics.
Ms Jefferds has not yet shared her bio with us.
Dr. Ann Jefferds, MD--specialist in internal medicine and pulmonary disease--currently sees patients in Salt lake city, Utah.
Dr. Jefferds is licensed to see patients in Utah.
In addition to having active medical licenses, Dr. Jefferds has passed an automated background check which looked at elements including medical license status and malpractice screening (no history found).
Ann Jefferds, MD practices as a Pulmonologist in SALT LAKE CITY, UT.
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