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Help us make it right"I hold every man a debtor to his profession." ~Francis Bacon, 1596
This veterinarian has been at this location since 1985, and the clinic has been in existence since 1979. Dr. Hardy was educated in his native Hungary and graduated from one of the oldest vet schools in the world in 1978. He spent one year in academia learning to be a scientist, but changed his mind and became a clinician...
I've been using Dr. Hardy for several years, first for my guinea pigs and then for my dog. He and his staff are really terrific. Everyone seems caring and competent. The hours are convenient and...
Animal Clinic Of Ives Dairy Road was founded in 1997, and is located at 1562 Ives Dairy Rd in Miami. Additional information is available at or by contacting Joseph Hardy at (305) 653-3939.
Pet Products, Science Diet
"I hold every man a debtor to his profession." ~Francis Bacon, 1596
This veterinarian has been at this location since 1985, and the clinic has been in existence since 1979. Dr. Hardy was educated in his native Hungary and graduated from one of the oldest vet schools in the world in 1978. He spent one year in academia learning to be a scientist, but changed his mind and became a clinician...
Animal Clinic of Ives Dairy is a Veterinarians facility at 1562 Ives Dairy Rd in North Miami Beach, FL.
Veterinary services, specialties
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