Status: Closed
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Help us make it rightAmbrit Industries Inc is located at the address 432 Magnolia Ave in Glendale, California 91204. They can be contacted via phone at (818) 243-1224 for pricing, hours and directions.
Ambrit Industries Inc has an annual sales volume of 5M – 9,999,999. .For more information contact Paul Yaussi, or go to
For maps and directions to Ambrit Industries Inc view the map to the right....
From los angeles call
Manufactures zinc castings; manufactures aluminum die castings; manufactures nonferrous die-cast products Bronze die castings, Aluminum die castings, Ferrous alloy die castings, Iron die castings, Non ferrous alloy die castings, Stainless steel die castings
Since 2007, Ambrit Industries Incorporated has been providing Wholesale - Machine Tools And Metalworking Machinery from Glendale.
Ambrit Industries Inc is located at 432 Magnolia Ave in Glendale and has been in the business of Manufacturing - Die Casting Machines since 1946.
Machine tools, metal forming type
Industrial machinery and equipment
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