Status: Open
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Help us make it rightCompany Picnic, Event Planning, Community Events, Children's Entertainment
Company Picnics, School & Church Carnivals, Birthday Parties from Toddlers to Seniors providing Games, Rides, Inflatable's, Picnic Catering., Equipment Rentals, Tables, Chairs, Bingo, Trackless Trains, Dunking Booths, Caricature Artist, Airbrush Tattoos.
Welcome and Thank you! for allowing us to introduce you to the leading special events producer, picnic planner and casino ga...ming company in the Southeast. Our professional staff is capable of complete special event coordination, from conception to clean-up. We understand what is needed to produce the best event possible...right down to the smallest detail. Boone Enterprises specialized in...
On-Site Gemstone Mining for all ages!
Carnival games, rides, inflatables, picnic catering, game shows, trackless trains, Carousels, Spin Rides, Merry Go Round, Mobile Gemstone Mining, Music Express, Dunking Booths Birthday Parties, Company Picnics.
Cotton Candy, Sno Cone, popcorn machine rentals. Pinata Stand Rentals.
Tents Tables and Chair Rentals
Moon Walk is located at 2442 W Clemmonsville Rd, Winston Salem, NC. This business specializes in Event Planners, Construction Materials & Equipment and Party Rentals.
Affordable Multi-Storage is located at 2442 W Clemmonsville Rd, Winston Salem, NC. This business specializes in Storage, Transportation, Manufacturing & Industrial Supplies and Gifts.
Boone Enterprises specialized in Corporate Events, Picnics, Festivals, and Casino Parties. Our inventory is the largest and most diverse in the Southeast.
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