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Affinity Lending Group Llc

929 Olive St Shreveport LA 71104
(318) 965-7470
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What the community has to say about Affinity Lending Group Llc

Information about this business (3)

Surgical Specialists offers most effective weight loss surgeries such as Gastric Bypass, Gastric Sleeve, Gastric Banding, Lap Band and Bariatric Surgery which leads to body shape you always desired.BARIATRIC CENTER OF EXCELLENCE SURGEONCALL FOR TIMES OR REGISTER ONLINEFREE EDUCATIONAL MEETINGS WITHFACEBOOK.COM/FREEDOMFROMBESITYMOST EXPERIENCED LAP BAND ANDOBESITY HELPVERTICAL SLEEVE SURGEON IN...

After Care And Adjustments Available. Call Or Visit Our Website Today For A Free Information DVD. Excellent Self Pay And Financing Options Available. Over 1,500 LAP-BAND Surgeries Performed. Specializing In Bariatric Surgery - LAP-BAND (R) Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy And Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass

Comprehensive Bariatric Program Offeing. AP LAP-Band Surgery,Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric By Pass Surgery. Also Offering Herina, Heartburn, Gallbladder and other General Surgery

Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy and Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass, Specializing

In Bariatric Surgery, Lap-Band, Hernia & Other Laparoscopic Surgery, Heartburn, General Surgery, Sleeve...

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Top notch!

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Dr. Chhabra has numerous years of experience. He is easy to talk to and treats his patients with respect.

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Been with Dr. Martin for a number of years. He has been nothing but professional. Explains each situation in understandable details. Dr. Martin and his staff has always been extremely courteous. He spends a much time with me as needed and I trust Dr. Martin's medical decisions. Always get return calls from his nursing staff usually with answers for question(s) left on answering machine.

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Dr Patel and her staff are wonderful! I disagree with the ignorant review below of her practice and personal life. she has helped me take control of my medical issues and I am so grateful.

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I see Dr. Patel for diabetes and my thyroid (for 2 years now) and she is wonderful. She is knowledgeable, caring and takes time with me when I need it. Her office staff and nurse are friendly and so nice. I recommend this practice highly!

Business description (11) view all

Affinity Lending Group Llc was founded in 2008. Affinity Lending Group Llc specializes in Mortgage Companies, Urban.

Surgical Specialists of Shreveport is located at 949 Olive St, Shreveport, LA. This business specializes in Doctors & Clinics.

Surgical Specialists is located at 949 Olive St, Shreveport, LA. This business specializes in Doctors & Clinics. Surgical Specialists is open Mon, 9am-5pm ; Tue, 9am-5pm ; Wed, 9am-5pm ; Thu, 9am-5pm ; Fri, 9am-5pm ; Sat, Closed ; Sun, Closed. and accepts Visa.

Dr. Merriman was born in Louisiana but grew up all over the South, including Arkansas, Texas and Alabama. After his medical training, Dr. Merriman returned to his roots in Louisiana and joined The Mason-Itzig Clinic in 1992. After Dr. Itzig retired, the practiced changed its name to Surgical Specialists of Shreveport, LLC.

He has always been interested in all things technological, fostering...

Dr. Herbert Master, MD--specialist in cardiovascular disease and internal medicine--currently sees patients in Shreveport, Louisiana and Bossier city, Louisiana.

Dr. Master is licensed to practice medicine at Louisiana.

Dr. Master has been found to hold one or more active medical licenses, and successfully passed a malpractice history screening.

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