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Help us make it rightCustomers also find the company personnel and dealers pleasant to work with. Compared to other services where people complain about having to deal with aggressive sales reps who want to get them signed on quickly, customers have a much bett...
ADT's critical conditions system saved my daughter’s life! My daughter was home alone and left some dinner heating in the oven. The heat from the system triggered the alarm to go off and within minutes a fire truck was on its way to our hou...
ADT security services have given our company the protection for burglaries.Because they have proven their effectiveness, I got one for my restaurant! It's really cool!
Now you can try a different service, you pay more, or even save a couple bucks, but what you won’t get is the reputation that ADT brings to your security. What you won’t get is the years of expertise that their monitor techs bring to the ta...
What is more upsetting is that you cannot leave your business or home without thinking about burglaries and robberies. I have overcome this stage the moment I called ADT for alarm installation. I swear this is the only company that will giv...
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