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A & L Recycling and Cesspool

3840 Review Ave Long Island City NY 11101
(718) 729-3018
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What the community has to say about A & L Recycling and Cesspool

Information about this business (4)

A & L Cesspool Service Corp has been in business for over 40 years. Since 1974 we have been cleaning cesspools, relieving emergency sewer & drain blockages, cleaning grease traps, cleaning sewage waste & more. Whether you need sewage waste removed, drains cleared or grease traps cleaned, A & L provides the most reliable and affordable sewer service in the New York City vicinity. We can provide...

A & L Is Dedicated To Serving New York For Over 33 Years!

At A & L Recycling, we have designed a grease facility where from the beginning to the end we can eliminate your grease problems. We can provide you with safe environmental protection services.At our facility, we can clean out grease traps and remove your cooking oil. We can supply you with 55-gallon drums so you may store your grease safely and properly.We also provide certificates of...

A & L Is Dedicated To Serving New York For Over 33 Years!

At A & L Recycling, we have designed a grease facility where from the beginning to the end we can eliminate your grease problems. We can provide you with safe environmental protection services. At our facility, we can clean out grease traps and remove your cooking oil. We can supply you with 55-gallon drums so you may store your grease...

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This place is completely unprofessional I do not recommend.

I called on Sunday to get the grease trap for my bakery snaked and cleaned. They do not offer cleaning on Sunday, so they came and snaked the trap at least and we paid in cash in full at the time they offered services. They told us to call Monday morning to remind them about the cleaning we had scheduled Sunday morning.


Average Rating

Before they even came out to service the sewer I was having an issue with the owner had a 30 minute conversation with me to try and assess the problem so he could be sure he was providing me a quite for the correct services. With that said they provided great service and better yet, when my boyfriend forgot to get a receipt(I paid cash) I called and spoke to Alexis, she was amazing! Took the...

Average Rating

I haven't used A&L's services, but I just witnessed one of their employees toss garbage out of the passenger's seat of one of their trucks. Could this have been recycled? Probably! Keep it classy A&L!

I've been using this company f...

Average Rating

I've been using this company for years. I used to work in the restaurant industry and these guys saved us on numerous occasion whether it was a backed up toilet or an overflowing or clogged grease trap. Always courteous and as prompt as they possibly can be.
I recently started a job in an office and we had a plumbing issue during my first week on the job. I called them and they came out and...

Great service-- No sh*t!!

Average Rating

The quick story: Good, reliable, honest, friendly, on-time and reasonably priced.

Business description (4)

A & L Cesspool Service Corp has been in business for over 40 years. Since 1974 we have been cleaning cesspools, relieving emergency sewer & drain blockages, cleaning grease traps, cleaning sewage waste & more. Whether you need sewage waste removed, drains cleared or grease traps cleaned, A & L provides the most reliable and affordable sewer service in the New York City vicinity. We can provide...

Video Inspection Of Lines, Sewer Drain Lines Clean, Higher Pressure Water Jetting, Fryer Grease Pump, Emergency Service

Grease Trap Cleaning & Sewer Line Cleaning, Full Service for Kitchen, Cooking Oil Removed, Water Jetting

At A & L Recycling, we have designed a grease facility where from the beginning to the end we can eliminate your grease problems. We can provide you with safe environmental protection services.

At our facility, we can clean out grease traps and remove your cooking oil. We can supply you with 55-gallon drums so you may store your grease safely and properly.

We also provide certificates...

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